
Amy Hardie, M. Ed.

Teacher of the Deaf and Education Director

Amy Hardie, our expert veteran Teacher of the Deaf and Education Director, provides early intervention in-home therapy to children birth to three and coaches their parents on how to immerse their child in language.  She also leads the weekly Toddler Group at Spokane HOPE where children and their parents come together to further the child’s language and social development.  In addition, Amy provides listening and spoken language therapy services to children and families in rural communities through the statewide Center for Deafness and Hearing Loss, CDHL.

Amy earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education and her master’s in deaf education. During her 20-year career, she has taught primary general education, special education, and deaf education.  Most recently she was HOPE’s pre-school teacher for nine years. As an early intervention provider, she supports all forms of language development based upon the families’ wants for their child with hearing loss.

Amy Hardie with a Spokane HOPE student, both speaking emphatically into a headset microphone.