About Spokane HOPE

Spokane Hearing Oral Program of Excellence (HOPE) provides early intervention auditory and language therapy to children with hearing loss during the early years of rapid brain development. Our child and family focused services include birth to three in-home language therapy and audiological management training, weekly Toddler Group that offers socialization and continued auditory and oral language development, preschool that centers around pre-academic and social skills development using intentionally designed listening and spoken language strategies, and pre-kindergarten that prepares children for mainstream kindergarten in their resident district schools ready to learn on par with their hearing peers.  We walk arm in arm with the families through each of these development stages empowering them to immerse their child in a language rich environment and to advocate for their child’s right to be a participatory member of our hearing world.

Founded in 2004 on the premise that all children with hearing loss should have the opportunity to maximize their listening and speaking skills, Spokane  HOPE (Hearing-Oral Program of Excellence) attracted a dedicated group of individuals with considerable tenure in their professional fields to make this educational dream a reality for local families with deaf or hard-of-hearing children.

Spokane HOPE is the ONLY listening and spoken language (LSL) provider in our community with certificated teacher’s who hold graduate degrees in teaching deaf and hard of hearing children with an emphasis in LSL strategies.

For more information about Spokane HOPE’s programs, please contact us at (509) 868-0044 or info@spokanehope.org